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Team Wolcott

June 9

RAAM Media covers the pre-race events at Oceanside and interviews several of the racers, including our own Keith Wolcott - see his brief appearance at about 3:04 in this clip and then again a little later:

Keith's Thoughts the Day before the Start

One day till the start! I thought that I would have trouble sleeping this last week because of the excitement, but I have slept well every day. I think that I am sleeping well because we have such a great crew that solves all of the problems and I don't have to worry about anything but my training. 

We had the photo shoot at RAAM headquarters this morning. With our crew there all in their green crew shirts we attracted a lot of attention, so we were filmed and I was interviewed (to appear on

Since we passed inspection of the vehicles, bikes, and equipment yesterday and we finished the remaining paperwork this morning, we are officially cleared to race.

Tomorrow will be busy so this will be my last report until the finish. I look forward to seeing some of you as we cross the country. Friend Bob will be in Prescott, granddaughter Zoe, daughter Jane, and son-in-law Jose in KS, son Scott in MO, many friends in my home state of Illinois, family in Ohio, and maybe some friends in the east. Just knowing you are there will power me forward.

Thank you to everyone for all of the encouragement and support that we have received.


Lisa and Sheila with our new friends from England -- crew members of the London Pride Spinhalers, a 4-man team racing in the 18-49 age category.

Nico Valsesia

Nico Valsesia and Keith. Nico is back for his fifth ride in RAAM, having raced previously in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2011. You can read more about him on his website:



Team Wolcott - at Oceanside, CA the day before the start of RAAM 2014. In back, from left: Sheila, Steve, Ellen, Keith, Christine, Ken and Eric. In front: Cameron, Lisa, Claudia and Marcus.