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Team Wolcott

Gallery - Part 7
Parting Thoughts as Keith and Ellen Prepare to Head West
A few days ago, just before they headed west, Keith and Ellen shared some thoughts about their adventure with Lori Casey. See the brief video below:

June 4 On-the-Road Report

June 4 report from Keith, who is heading west with Ellen and Steve, driving the support vehicles to California:

32 miles in 25 mph winds and 88 degrees. The 6% humidity is quite a change and requires sipping water every 2 or 3 minutes. Here in Grants, NM the altitude is 6500 feet and I may have noticed it, but it did not have much effect. The next two days should be hotter at around 100 degrees. 

Shamrock, TX
Shamrock, TX

The Direct-Follow and Off-Duty Support vans are headed west to the starting point, and they sent back these images from Shamrock, TX, which lays claim to the "tallest water tower in Texas" at 172-176 ft tall (of its class). It was built in 1915.

Yesterday (June 3rd), Keith got in some training miles and gave this report:

2:25 in 93 degrees with 37% humidity and 25 mph winds. Only 37 miles which is rather slow, but in addition to the wind there were some nice hills so it was a good workout. I am pleased that the heat was no problem and seemed cooler than 84 degrees two days ago with 60% humidity. A week from this moment we will be a couple of hours into RAAM!

Support Vehicles Headed West!

Early this week, the support vehicles for Team Wolcott have begun the trek from various points in the Midwest to Oceanside, CA. Reports filtered back from crew members in the RV ("Coming over Wolf Creek Pass yesterday confirmed that Keith is certifiable. I tried to capture a picture but the cell phone camera just didn't give the perspective of the actual grades and # of switchbacks.") And Judy Looby provided this snapshot (below) of their brief stop on the Mother Road in Tucumcari, NM.

Keith, Ellen and Steve departed earlier today with the two vans, making time for some training rides along the way.

Meanwhile, other crew members are packing their bags and preparing to catch flights to California for the required RAAM meetings and pre-race inspections.

Keith's Report for June 2nd
One week to go! This last week went well, but I did not quite make my goal of 300 miles. I ended up with 358 miles, but I am feeling strong so I think I have not overdone it. 

This coming week will be all about getting in some good heat training. Tomorrow's ride will be in 95 degrees which will be excellent preparation for the desert. A few weeks of heat training would be better, but we don't have that luxury and I have had good results in the past with even a few days of heat training. -Keith

New Crew Member Added - Bob Glennan

Team Wolcott is pleased to welcome Bob Glennan to the on-site support crew. Bob will be traveling with the RV Support Crew and assisting with rider support and other issues, as needed.

Packing the Support Vans

A place for everything, and everything in its place... well, almost. The support vans are loaded for making the trip out to California, but a reorganization and finalizing of the contents will be necessary once all the crew is assembled. In addition, the team will receive race signage and other items to place on the vans for easy identification and safety.

  During the race, the direct follow vehicle won't be carrying the bicycle, and the cot inside the van will allow for Keith to stretch out and rest when he's taking longer breaks.

Team Wolcott RAAM Jerseys Have Arrived!
Take a good look -- the next time you see the jersey, it might just be a blur as Keith rides by. Thanks to Champion System and the other sponsors for their support in helping with Keith's participation in RAAM!